"Relationships turn around lives. Every child who has gone through physical abuse or violent trauma needs a program like CHAP. "


Program: Community Housing Assistance Program (CHAP), which helps young people who are "aging-out" of DCF foster care to fully develop independent living skills. Case Manager: Tangerine Rhinehart.

What was life like for you before you entered the CHAP program? Brutal. My father is a violent alcoholic and has been my entire life. When I was six years old, he got into a terrible fight with my mother. I decided that night that I was going to protect my mother and sisters from him. So I did.

I became his punching bag so they wouldn't get hurt. I hated going home. Nights I would stay up while he was drunk just to make sure he didn't start any trouble with my family. I was miserable. Angry all the time. I hated the world.

Eventually, I lost hope and didn't care how badly he beat me. I became numb to it all until one day we got into a really bad fight. My face was severely bruised. I was tired of covering it up with make up so I went to high school the next day and my teachers reported the incident. This caused DCF to get involved and lead me to WYS' CHAP program.

How has the CHAP program helped you? Relationships turn around lives. Tangerine did that for me. Sometimes children go through so much pain. We don't realize it until that one adult comes into your life and turns things around. When Tange asked me how she could help, I was like, "What's in it for you?"

But she was patient. She constantly showed up. Even when I told her I didn't need her. Tange taught me what I should and shouldn't be doing, but in a nurturing way. Whether I had questions about school, work, the apartment, life...she was always there to help.

"I became [my father's] punching bag so they wouldn't get hurt. I hated going home. Nights I would stay up while he was drunk just to make sure he didn't start any trouble with my family. "


I was 17 when I met her but I acted like a little child. I could only think, "Abuse, Abuse, Abuse." She helped me heal. Helped me get healthy. Helped me grow up. Tangerine showed me another world that I had no idea existed. One with hope. Happiness. A future. I really believe that every child who has gone through violent trauma needs a program like CHAP. Someone who makes that kid feel like no matter what, I'm always going to be here. That makes all the difference.

What's the future look like for you? I currently work and I also go to college. I'm majoring in Psychology. I know my life is in my own hands. I can navigate my own future. I want to take on the world and see how many things I can do and experience.