Local Agencies Join Hands for a Dynamic RED Community-Wide Meeting


Recently, community representatives joined forces for a lively Racial & Ethnic Disparities (RED) community-wide meeting, facilitated by Waterbury Youth Services (WYS). The goal was to analyze data on youth demographics in the juvenile justice system and school disciplinary practices and find ways to reduce the disproportionate effects on youth of color.

The meeting featured a powerful lineup of agencies, including Bridge To Success, Center for Children's Advocacy, CSSD, FAVOR, Waterbury DCF, Waterbury Juvenile Probation, Waterbury Police Department, Waterbury Public Schools, Waterbury Youth Services, and YMCA of Greater Waterbury.

Through data-driven discussions and spirited brainstorming, the participants identified areas of concern and proposed innovative solutions to decrease disparities. The united front of community leaders left the gathering with a renewed sense of determination and commitment to create a more equitable future for all youth. Together, we can make a difference.